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February 26

59 Murrary (405 Moore Road)

  1. Stormwater Management (2/26/24)
  2. Boundary Survey
  3. Completeness Checklist for Bulk
  4. Completeness Checklist for Subdivision
  5. Deed
  6. Minor Subdivision Plan 


  1. Application & Checklist
  2. Site Plans
  3. Architectural Plans
  4. Color Elevations
  5. Overall Aerial
  6. Aerial Exhibit
  7. Tax Certification
  8. Deed
  9. Signed Survey
  10. Operations Memo
  11. FSCD Revised Certification
  12. FWW & FHA Permit
  13. Variance & Waiver List
  14. NTPB Tech Review


  1. Assignment of Lease
  2. Resolution 20-16 (Site Plan Approval)
  3. Application for Site Plan
  4. Zoning Compliance Chart
  5. Amended P&F Site Plans
  6. Avakian Review #1
  7. Twp Summarty of Changes Letter
  8. Architectural Plans (8/20/23)
  9. Landscape Plans (6/6/24)
  10. Overlay of Plan Changes
  11. Survey (7/17/20)
  12. Comment Summary




January 24- Reorganization& Regular Meeting

Coastal Linen

  1. Circulation Impact Study
  2. Community Impact Statement
  3. Environmental Impact Statement
  4. Stormwater Management
  5. Certified Letter- Coast Linen
  6. Checklist & Application
  7. Plan of Survey
  8. Architectural Plans
  9. P&F Site Plans
  10. Operations Narrative
  11. Monmouth County Review
  12. Avakian Review #1

Fufill Food Bank- 3300 NJ Route 66

  1. Resolution No. 00-12
  2. Circulation Impact Study
  3. Community Impact Statement
  4. Checklist & Application for Site Plans
  5. MCPB Site Plan Approval
  6. FSCD Initial Review
  7. Avakian Review #1
  8. Architectural Plans
  9. Environmental Impact Statement 
  10. P&F Major Site Plans
  11. Stormwater Management Report


Pink Balloon LLC- 3536 NJ Route 66

  1. Contract for Sale
  2. Survey of Property
  3. Preliminary & Final Site Plans
  4. Traffic Impact Statement
  5. Drainage Study
  6. Environmental Impact Statement
  7. Architectural Plans
  8. Checklist & Application
  9. Community Impact Statement
  10. NJDOT Letter of No Interest
  11. Avakian Tree Removal Permit Review
  12. MCPB Exempt from Approval
  13. FSCD Initial Review
  14. Avakian Review #1
  15. Fire Bureau Comments
  16. Deed


February 28

Coastal Linen

  1. Circulation Impact Study
  2. Community Impact Statement
  3. Environmental Impact Statement
  4. Stormwater Management
  5. Certified Letter- Coast Linen
  6. Checklist & Application
  7. Plan of Survey
  8. Architectural Plans
  9. P&F Site Plans
  10. Operations Narrative
  11. Monmouth County Review
  12. Avakian Review #1

Johnson’s Resturant Equipment- 1300 Corlies Ave

  1. Soil Boring Log
  2. Deed
  3. Demolition & Grading Plan
  4. Architectural Plans
  5. Topographic Survey
  6. Zoning Determination- 4/5/2023
  7. Checklist
  8. Mon County Planning Board- No Interest
  9. Freehold Soil Cons. District Letter
  10. Environmental Impact & Drainage Summary
  11. Minor Site Plans
  12. Traffic Summary Report
  13. Police Dept. Review
  14. Avakian Review #1


OG North End

  1. Request for 3rd Extension of Time




March 27

Fufill Foodbank- 3300 NJ Route 66

  1. Resolution No 00-12
  2. Circulation Impact Study
  3. Community Impact Statement
  4. Checklist & Application 
  5. MCPB- Site Plan Approval
  6. Initial Review
  7. Avakian Review #1
  8. Architectural Plans
  9. Environmental Impact Statement
  10. P&F Major Site Plans
  11. Stormwater Management Report
  12. MCHD- Approval
  13. Fulfill Appt Description
  14. Revised Architectural Plans
  15. Revised P&F Major Site Plans
  16. Revised Stormwater Management
  17. Revised Fire Bureau Review


Ordinance & Redevelopment Plan Consideration

  1. Resolution #24-142
  2. Amended Redevelopment Plan OGNE
  3. Ordinance- Amended Redevelopment 
  4. Amended Redevelopment Plan


TNHA- Courtesy Review

  1. Minor Subdivision
  2. Boundary & Location Survey
  3. Minor Subdivison Resolution 
  4. Description of Project
  5. Color Renderings- TNHA
  6. Resolution- Site Plan



April 24

  1. Survey
  2. Deed
  3. Architectural Plans
  4. Final Plat
  5. Community Impact Statement
  6. Drainage Report
  7. Environmental Impact Statement
  8. Checklist & Application
  9. MCBP- Preliminary Approval
  10. Major Subdivision
  11. Certification Letter
  12. Avakian Review #1


May 22

3501 Route 66, LLC

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Site Plan & Subdivision 
  3. Application Tables
  4. Deed
  6. Major Access Permit
  7. Tree Removal Permit Application
  8. Tree Removal Plans
  9. Steep Slope Analysis
  10. Prelim & Final Major Site Plans (Part 1)
  11. Prelim & Final Major Site Plans (Part 2)
  12. Prelim & Final Major Site Plans (Part 3)
  13. Neptune Minor Sub. Plans
  14. Stormwater Management Report
  15. Neptune Stormwater O&M Manual
  16. Environmental Impact Statement
  17. Community Impact Statement
  18. Neptune Circulation Impact Study
  19. Evaluation of Site Sound Emissions
  20. Warehouse Archictectural Plans
  21. Retail Plans
  22. Landscape Renderings
  23. Avakian Review #1


June 26

3501 Route 66, LLC

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Site Plan & Subdivision 
  3. Application Tables
  4. Deed
  6. Major Access Permit
  7. Tree Removal Permit Application
  8. Tree Removal Plans
  9. Steep Slope Analysis
  10. Prelim & Final Major Site Plans (Part 1)
  11. Prelim & Final Major Site Plans (Part 2)
  12. Prelim & Final Major Site Plans (Part 3)
  13. Neptune Minor Sub. Plans
  14. Stormwater Management Report
  15. Neptune Stormwater O&M Manual
  16. Environmental Impact Statement
  17. Community Impact Statement
  18. Neptune Circulation Impact Study
  19. Evaluation of Site Sound Emissions
  20. Warehouse Archictectural Plans
  21. Retail Plans
  22. Landscape Renderings
  23. Avakian Review #1
  24. Avakian Review- Tree Removal
  25. NTPD Comments
  26. Alternate Plan Exhibits
  27. Cote Alternate Plan Revisions
  28. Fire Bureau Comments
  29. Avakian Review #2


August 28

756 Holdings LLC

  1. Boundary & Topo Survey
  2. Community Impact Statement
  3. Environmental Impact Statement
  4. List of Variances & Waivers
  5. Preliminary & Final Major Subdivisions
  6. Sanitary Sewer & Water Report
  7. Stormwater Management Report
  8. SWM Drainage Area Maps
  9. Avakian- Tree Removal Permit
  10. Avakian Review #1
  11. Zoning Chart


September 25

Consistency Reviews

  1. O24-31 Ordinance Livestock
  2. O24034 Revised Stormwater Control 


  1. Assignment of Lease
  2. Resolution 20-06
  3. Application for Site Plan
  4. Zoning Compliance Chart
  5. Amended P&F Site Plans
  6. Avakian Reivew #1
  7. Twp Summary of Changes
  8. Architectural Plans- 8/30/2023
  9. Landscape Architectural Plans - 6/6/2024
  10. Overlay of Plan Changes
  11. Survey- 07/17/2020





January 25- Reorg & Regular Meeting

Letter to Planning Board- OGNED Extension Request

February 22 February 22- Meeting Cancelled
March 22 March 22- Meeting Cancelled

April 26

Master Plan Reexamination Report


May 24

Kienwold Pack- Paws & Anchor

  1. Utility Survey
  2. Deed
  3. Environmental Impact Statement
  4. Arhictectural Plans
  5. Zoning Permit Denial
  6. Variances
  7. Flood Hazard Determination
  8. Site Plan Checklist
  9. Zoning Compliance Charts
  10. P&F Major Site Plans
  11. SWM Report

June 14

Wayside Road LLC

  1. Minor Subdivision Plans
  2. Boundary & Topo Survey
  3. Insite To ZBA
  4. Checklist & Application
  5. MCPB- Letter of Exemption
  6. Avakian Review #1

July 26

Country Woods Subdivision

  1. West Model 2 Ranch
  2. Color Renderings of Emerson
  3. Community Impact Statement
  4. McDonough REA Traffic Study
  6. Operations & Maintenance
  7. Environmental Impact Statement
  8. Boundary Survey
  9. Checklist & Application 
  10. Juniper Model
  11. MCPB Preliminary Approval
  12. Emerson Model
  13. FSCF Initial Review
  14. Environmental Shade Tree Commission Comments
  15. P&F Major Subdivision Plans
  16. P&F Major Subdivision Plat
  17. SWM Report
  18. FSCD Review of Revisions
  19. Env. Shade Tree Comments
  20. Traffic Bureau- No Comments
  21. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  22. Fire Prevention Bureau Comments
  23. FSCD Review of Revisions
  24. Avakian Review #1



August 23

Country Woods Subdivision

  1. West Model 2 Ranch
  2. Color Renderings of Emerson
  3. Community Impact Statement
  4. McDonough REA Traffic Study
  6. Operations & Maintenance
  7. Environmental Impact Statement
  8. Boundary Survey
  9. Checklist & Application 
  10. Juniper Model
  11. MCPB Preliminary Approval
  12. Emerson Model
  13. FSCF Initial Review
  14. Environmental Shade Tree Commission Comments
  15. P&F Major Subdivision Plans
  16. P&F Major Subdivision Plat
  17. SWM Report
  18. FSCD Review of Revisions
  19. Env. Shade Tree Comments
  20. Traffic Bureau- No Comments
  21. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  22. Fire Prevention Bureau Comments
  23. FSCD Review of Revisions
  24. Avakian Review #1
  25. Country Woods- Conventional Zoning
  26. Exhibit A- Streetscape Color Rendering
  27. Exhibit A-2 Aerial
  28. Exhibit A-3 Color Rendering Layout
  29. Exhibit A-4 Color Rendering Landscape Plan
  30. Exhibit A-5 Steep Slope Analysis Map
  31. Exhbit A-6


West Congregation of Neptune Jehovah’s Witnesses

  1. Preliminary & Final Site Plans
  2. Deed
  3. Boundary Partial Topo Survey
  4. Soil Profile Pits
  5. Traffic & Parking Study
  6. Project Hydrology Narrative
  7. Review of Wetlands 
  8. Checklist & Application
  9. MCPB Conditional Approval
  10. Avakian Review #1

September 27

Courtesy Review- Pole Barn

  1. Revised Concept Plan
  2. Project Summary 

Hobby Lobby

  1. Deed
  2. Cooper Lighting Specs
  3. Sign Packet
  4. Color Rendering- Front
  5. Zoning Permit Review
  6. Application Packet
  7. Application for Site Plan
  8. Checklist for Site Plan
  9. MCPB
  10. Traffic Bureau Comments
  11. Fire Bureau- No Comment
  12. Avakian Review #1
  13. Letter Winess & Exhibit
  14. Survey Showing Dumpster
  15. Lighting Floor Plan
  16. Boundary & Topo Survey 
  17. Boundary & Topo Survey 2
  18. Minor Site Plans


James Lawson- Minor Subdivision

  1. Map of Survey
  2. Minor Subdivision Plan
  3. Deed
  4. Checklist & Application
  5. Avakian Review #1
October 25- Meeting Cancelled  October 25- Meeting Cancelled

November 8

M&M @ Neptune

  1. Deed
  3. Neptune PB Resolution No. 2022-01
  4. Tree Removal Permit
  5. Zoning Permit Review
  6. Amended P&F Site Plans
  7. Architectural Plan QuickChek
  8. Rider #1 Variance List
  9. Rider #2 Submission Waiver List
  10. Checklist & Application
  11. Operations Memorandum
  12. MCDRC- Final Approval
  13. MM at Neptune RAO Letter
  14. FSCD - Recertification
  15. Avakain Review #1
  16. M&M Neptune EIS Final
  17. Stormwater Management Report
  18. Traffic Analysis Report
  19. NJ Route 35 Site Plan Rendering
  20. Neptune Aerial 
  21. Approved Site Plan
  22. Proposed Site Plan
  23. Proposed Landscaping Plan
  24. Proposed Floor Plan
  25. Proposed Colored Elevations

December 13

Shore Town Homes, LLC

  1. Survey
  2. Survey
  3. Minor Subdivision
  4. Application for Minor Subdivision
  5. Avakian Review #1
  6. MCPB Excempt 




January 26

Please CLICK HERE to view all documents pertaining to this meeting


February 23

Please CLICK HERE to view all documents pertaining to this meeting

March 23  
April 27- Cancelled Meeting Cancelled

May 25

Please CLICK HERE to view all documents pertaining to this meeting


June 22

Please CLICK HERE to view all documents pertaining to this meeting


July 27

Please CLICK HERE to view all documents pertaining to this meeting

August 24- Meeting Cancelled Meeting Cancelled

September 28

Ordinance 22-45- Consistency Review
Ordinance 22-45 Cannabis Class Zoning Location Amend.


October 26

756 Holdings, LLC

  1. Hot Box
  2. Sheet C-12
  3. Sheet C-24

Pagano Minor Subdivision

  1. Checklist & Application
  2. Deed
  3. Boundary & Topographic
  4. Minor Subdivion
  5. Avakian Review
November 9- Meeting Cancelled   

December 14

Cannabis Class- Zoning Location Amendment
Consistency Review of Ordinance No. 22-51


  1. Deed
  2. Architectural Plans
  3. Zoning Permit Denial
  4. Partial Topigraphical Survey
  5. FSCD- Exempt
  6. Checklist & Application
  7. Site Plan- 2 Sheets
  8. Neptune Traffic Bureau
  9. Avakian Review #1




January 27- Reorganization Meeting


January 27- Regular Meeting

Area in Need of Redevelopment Investigation Report

Heathrow- Shark River Hills Estates

  1. Minor Subdivision
  2. Tax Assessor Memo
  3. Avakian- Completeness Waiver
  4. Project Exempt
  5. Statement of Environmental Impact
  6. Minor Subdivision Plat
  7. Plot Plan
  8. Aerial Photo
  9. Soil Disturbance Notice
  10. DEP Application Submission
  11. MCPB- Exempt
  12. NJDEP- Coastal Jurisdiction Determination
  13. Application Incomplete
  14. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  15. Property Deeds



February 24

Area in need of Redvelopment Report

Ordinance No. 21-07
Resolution No. 21-68


March 24

Heathrow- Shark River Hills Estates

  1. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  2. Property Deeds
  3. Minor Subdivision Plat
  4. Statement of Environmental Impact
  5. Aerial Photo Exhibit
  6. Minor Subdivision Plat- Revised
  7. Plot Plan
  8. DEP Application Submission
  9. FSCD- Exempt
  10. Tax Assessor’s Memo
  11. Avakian- Completeness Waiver
  12. Avakian Review # 1
  13. Soil Disturbance Notice
  14. MCPB- Exempt
  15. NJDEP Coastal Jurisdictional Determination
  16. FSCD- Application Incomplete
  17. FSCD- Certification Letter

WCS Group, LLC

  1. Completeness Checklist
  2. Amended Variance & Waiver Summary
  3. Updated Traffic Impact Report
  4. Environmental Site Investigation Report
  5. Stormwater Management Report
  6. Boundary & Topographic Survey
  7. Building Elevations
  8. Amended Preliminary & Final Site Plans
  9. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  10. Traffic Bureau Comments
  11. Neptune Fire Bureau Review
  12. Environmental Shade Tree Commission Comments
  13. Avakian Review
  14. Buy Rite


Scarlet Flier

  1. Checklist & Application
  2. Copy of Deed for Lot 5
  3. Copy of Deed for Lot 6
  4. Copy of Deed for Lot 7
  5. Copy of Deed for Lot 8
  6. Copy of Deed for Lot 9
  7. Color Rendering & Elevations- 3 Bedroom
  8. Color Rendering & Elevations- 4 Bedroom
  9. Color Rendering & Elevations- 5 Bedroom
  10. CIS Scarlet Flier Ventures
  11. Environmental Impact Statement
  12. Stormwater Management Report
  13. Traffic Impact Study
  14. Easement Plans
  15. Topo, Boundary, Major Sub Plans
  16. Site Plans for Major Subdivision
  17. NJDEP LOI- Line Verification
  18. Tax Assesor’s Memorandum
  19. Traffic Bureau Comments
  20. Environmental Shade Tree Comments
  21. Fire Prevention Bureau Plan Review


April 28

120 S Main Realty, LLC

  1. Environmental Impact Statement
  2. P&F Major Subdivision Plans
  3. Township Engineer’s Review 
  4. Board Engineer’s Waiver
  5. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  6. Assignment of Lease
  7. Property Location Survey


M&M at Neptune, LLC

  1. Completeness Checklist & Application
  2. Copy of Application to MCPB
  3. Stonefield Checklist Justification
  4. Stonefield Zoning Relief
  5. Property Tax Certification
  6. Copy of Deed
  7. Stonefield Flood Zone Memo
  8. Stonefield Operations Memo
  9. Zoning Permit Denial
  10. FSCD Review of Certified Plan
  11. NJDEP Filed Deed Restriction
  12. ALTA-NSPS Land Title Survey
  13. 200 Foot Natural Features Exhibit
  14. Exterior Elevations
  15. Elevations Building Pads & Canopy
  16. FSCD Review of Plan Revisions
  17. MCPB Request for Information
  18. Deal Lake DA Exhibit
  19. Community Impact Statement
  20. Stormwater Management Report
  21. Traffic Impact Study
  22. Stormwater O&M Manual
  23. P&F Major Site Plans
  24. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  25. Traffic Bureau Comments
  26. Remidation Letter- Woodward & Curran
  27. Preliminary & Final Site Plans
  28. Subdivision Plan
  29. Lighting Plan
  30. Site Plan Sheet
  31. Zoning Tables
  32. Truck Turns
  33. Stonefield Cover Letter
  34. Site Renderings
  35. Site Renderings 2
  36. Aerial
  37. Overall Aerial
  38. Stormwater Design



Scarlet Flier (aka Bevjean Estates)
  1. Checklist & Application
  2. Copy of Deed for Lot 5
  3. Copy of Deed for Lot 6
  4. Copy of Deed for Lot 7
  5. Copy of Deed for Lot 8
  6. Copy of Deed for Lot 9
  7. Color Rendering & Elevations for 3 Bedroom
  8. Color Rendering & Elevations for 4 Bedroom
  9. Color Rendering & Elevation for 5 Bedroom
  10. CIS Scarlet Flier Ventures
  11. Environmental Impact Statement
  12. Stormwater Management Report
  13. Traffic Impact Study
  14. Easement Plans
  15. Top, Boundary, Major Sub Plans
  16. Site Plans for Major Subdivision
  18. Tax Assessor’s Memorandum
  19.  Traffic Bureau Comments
  20. Environmental Shade Tree Comments
  21. Fire Prevention Bureau Plans


M&M at Neptune, LLC

  1. Completeness Checklist
  2. Copy of Application
  3. Stonefield Checklist
  4. Stonfield Zoning Relief
  5. Property Tax Certification
  6. Copy of Deed
  7. Stonefield Flood Zone Memo
  8. Stonefield Operations Memo
  9. Zoning Permit Denial
  10. FSCD Review of Certified Plan
  11. NJDEP Filed Deed Restriction
  13. 200 Foot Natural Features
  14. Exterior Elevations
  15. Elevations Building Pads
  16. FSCD Review of Plan Revisions
  17. MCPB Request
  18. Deal Lake DA Exhibit 
  19. Community impact Statement
  20. Stormwater Management Report
  21. Traffic Impact Study
  22. Stormwater O & M Manual
  23. P&F Major Site Plans
  24. Stonefield Transmittal
  25. Revised Stormwater Management Report
  26. Neptune NJ A201
  27. Neptune NJ A202
  28. Revised P&F Major Site Plans 1
  29. Revised P&F Major Site Plans 2
  30. FSCD- Review of Certified Plan Revisions
  31. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  32. Traffic Bureau Comments
  33. Fire Bureau Comments
  34. Environmental Shade Tree Comments
  35. Avakian Review #1


ICF to Planning Board- Wind Project

ICF to Planning Board- Lease & ROW Off



June 23

Heathrow- Shark River Hills Estates

  1. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  2. Property Deeds
  3. Minor Subdivision Plat
  4. Statement of Environmental Impact
  5. Aerial Photo Exhibit
  6. Minor Subdivision Plat- Revised
  7. Plot Plan
  8. DEP Application Submission
  9. FSCD- Exempt
  10. Tax Assessor’s Memo
  11. Avakian- Completeness Waiver
  12. Avakian Review # 1
  13. Soil Disturbance Notice
  14. MCPB- Exempt
  15. NJDEP Coastal Jurisdictional Determination
  16. FSCD- Application Incomplete
  17. FSCD- Certification Letter


120 S Main Realty, LLC

  1. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  2. Assignment of Lease
  3. Property Location Survey
  4. Environmental Impact Statement
  5. P&F Major Subdivision Plans
  6. Tank Sweep Report
  7. Township Engineer’s Review 
  8. Board Engineer’s Waiver
  9. Tax Assessor’s Memo
  10.  Ocean Grove Sewerage Auth . Comments
  11. Avakian Review #1



July 21- Special Meeting

Ordinance Review- 21-24
Cannabis Ordinance
Minor Subdivision - Block 304 Lot 1
Boundary & Location Survey



July 28

Christopher Lemberg

  1. Lemberg Subdivision Application
  2. Deed
  3. Google Map Aerial
  4. Parcel Data Map
  5. NJ Geoweb Overview
  6. Topographic Map
  7. Minor Subdivision
  8. Avakain Review #1

M&M at Neptune, LLC

  1. Completeness Checklist & Application
  2. Copy of Application to MCPB
  3. Stonefield Checklist Justification
  4. Stonefield Zoning Relief
  5. Property Tax Certification
  6. Copy of Deed
  7. Stonefield Flood Zone Memo
  8. Stonefield Operations Memo
  9. Zoning Permit Denial
  10. FSCD Review of Certified Plan
  11. NJDEP Filed Deed Restriction
  12. ALTA-NSPS Land Title Survey
  13. 200 Foot Natural Features Exhibit
  14. Exterior Elevations
  15. Elevations Building Pads & Canopy
  16. FSCD Review of Plan Revisions
  17. MCPB Request for Information
  18. Deal Lake DA Exhibit
  19. Community Impact Statement
  20. Stormwater Management Report
  21. Traffic Impact Study
  22. Stormwater O&M Manual
  23. P&F Major Site Plans
  24. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  25. Traffic Bureau Comments
  26. Remidation Letter- Woodward & Curran
  27. Preliminary & Final Site Plans
  28. Subdivision Plan
  29. Lighting Plan
  30. Site Plan Sheet
  31. Zoning Tables
  32. Truck Turns
  33. Stonefield Cover Letter
  34. Site Renderings
  35. Site Renderings 2
  36. Aerial
  37. Overall Aerial
  38. Stormwater Design
  39. MCPD Conditional Approval
  40. Stonefield Transmittal Plan Changes
  41. Revised Traffic Impact
  42. Revised Storm Water Management
  43. Revised Architechtural Plans  (6 sheets)
  44. Revised P&F Site Plan 1-16
  45. Revised P&F Site Plan 17-31
  46. Avakian Review- Supplemental to Review #1
  47. Sam Schwartz Traffic Eng Review #1



August 25

Heathrow- Shark River Hills Estates

  1. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  2. Property Deeds
  3. Minor Subdivision Plat
  4. Statement of Environmental Impact
  5. Aerial Photo Exhibit
  6. Minor Subdivision Plat- Revised
  7. Plot Plan
  8. DEP Application Submission
  9. FSCD- Exempt
  10. Tax Assessor’s Memo
  11. Avakian- Completeness Waiver
  12. Avakian Review # 1
  13. Soil Disturbance Notice
  14. MCPB- Exempt
  15. NJDEP Coastal Jurisdictional Determination
  16. FSCD- Application Incomplete
  17. FSCD- Certification Letter
  18. NJDEP FWW- Line Verification
  19. NJDEP Approved Plans- Stamped
  20. Conditional Compliance


M&M at Neptune, LLC

Please CLICK HERE to view objector videos regarding this project. 

  1. Completeness Checklist & Application
  2. Copy of Application to MCPB
  3. Stonefield Checklist Justification
  4. Stonefield Zoning Relief
  5. Property Tax Certification
  6. Copy of Deed
  7. Stonefield Flood Zone Memo
  8. Stonefield Operations Memo
  9. Zoning Permit Denial
  10. FSCD Review of Certified Plan
  11. NJDEP Filed Deed Restriction
  12. ALTA-NSPS Land Title Survey
  13. 200 Foot Natural Features Exhibit
  14. Exterior Elevations
  15. Elevations Building Pads & Canopy
  16. FSCD Review of Plan Revisions
  17. MCPB Request for Information
  18. Deal Lake DA Exhibit
  19. Community Impact Statement
  20. Stormwater Management Report
  21. Traffic Impact Study
  22. Stormwater O&M Manual
  23. P&F Major Site Plans
  24. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  25. Traffic Bureau Comments
  26. Remidation Letter- Woodward & Curran
  27. Preliminary & Final Site Plans
  28. Subdivision Plan
  29. Lighting Plan
  30. Site Plan Sheet
  31. Zoning Tables
  32. Truck Turns
  33. Stonefield Cover Letter
  34. Site Renderings
  35. Site Renderings 2
  36. Aerial
  37. Overall Aerial
  38. Stormwater Design
  39. MCPD Conditional Approval
  40. Stonefield Transmittal Plan Changes
  41. Revised Traffic Impact
  42. Revised Storm Water Management
  43. Revised Architechtural Plans  (6 sheets)
  44. Revised P&F Site Plan 1-16
  45. Revised P&F Site Plan 17-31
  46. Avakian Review- Supplemental to Review #1
  47. Sam Schwartz Traffic Eng Review #1
  48. Stonefield Submission
  49. Weave Analysis Report
  50. Asbury Avenue Driveway Exhibit
  51. Site Plan Exhibit


September 22

Wasatch Storage Documents

  1. Nelson Engineering Letter
  2. Proposed Water Service

Heathrow- Shark River Hills Estates

  1. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  2. Property Deeds
  3. Minor Subdivision Plat
  4. Statement of Environmental Impact
  5. Aerial Photo Exhibit
  6. Minor Subdivision Plat- Revised
  7. Plot Plan
  8. DEP Application Submission
  9. FSCD- Exempt
  10. Tax Assessor’s Memo
  11. Avakian- Completeness Waiver
  12. Avakian Review # 1
  13. Soil Disturbance Notice
  14. MCPB- Exempt
  15. NJDEP Coastal Jurisdictional Determination
  16. FSCD- Application Incomplete
  17. FSCD- Certification Letter
  18. NJDEP FWW- Line Verification
  19. NJDEP Approved Plans- Stamped
  20. Conditional Compliance
  21. Concept Trans Area Waiver

M&M at Neptune, LLC

Please CLICK HERE to view objector videos regarding this project. 

  1. Completeness Checklist & Application
  2. Copy of Application to MCPB
  3. Stonefield Checklist Justification
  4. Stonefield Zoning Relief
  5. Property Tax Certification
  6. Copy of Deed
  7. Stonefield Flood Zone Memo
  8. Stonefield Operations Memo
  9. Zoning Permit Denial
  10. FSCD Review of Certified Plan
  11. NJDEP Filed Deed Restriction
  12. ALTA-NSPS Land Title Survey
  13. 200 Foot Natural Features Exhibit
  14. Exterior Elevations
  15. Elevations Building Pads & Canopy
  16. FSCD Review of Plan Revisions
  17. MCPB Request for Information
  18. Deal Lake DA Exhibit
  19. Community Impact Statement
  20. Stormwater Management Report
  21. Traffic Impact Study
  22. Stormwater O&M Manual
  23. P&F Major Site Plans
  24. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  25. Traffic Bureau Comments
  26. Remidation Letter- Woodward & Curran
  27. Preliminary & Final Site Plans
  28. Subdivision Plan
  29. Lighting Plan
  30. Site Plan Sheet
  31. Zoning Tables
  32. Truck Turns
  33. Stonefield Cover Letter
  34. Site Renderings
  35. Site Renderings 2
  36. Aerial
  37. Overall Aerial
  38. Stormwater Design
  39. MCPD Conditional Approval
  40. Stonefield Transmittal Plan Changes
  41. Revised Traffic Impact
  42. Revised Storm Water Management
  43. Revised Architechtural Plans  (6 sheets)
  44. Revised P&F Site Plan 1-16
  45. Revised P&F Site Plan 17-31
  46. Avakian Review- Supplemental to Review #1
  47. Sam Schwartz Traffic Eng Review #1
  48. Stonefield Submission
  49. Weave Analysis Report
  50. Asbury Avenue Driveway Exhibit
  51. Site Plan Exhibit
  52. Objector- Deal Lake Commission



October 27

Proposed Ordinances:

Housing Authority Presentation:
Architectural Plans
Description of Proposed

M&M at Neptune, LLC

Please CLICK HERE to view objector videos regarding this project. 

  1. Completeness Checklist & Application
  2. Copy of Application to MCPB
  3. Stonefield Checklist Justification
  4. Stonefield Zoning Relief
  5. Property Tax Certification
  6. Copy of Deed
  7. Stonefield Flood Zone Memo
  8. Stonefield Operations Memo
  9. Zoning Permit Denial
  10. FSCD Review of Certified Plan
  11. NJDEP Filed Deed Restriction
  12. ALTA-NSPS Land Title Survey
  13. 200 Foot Natural Features Exhibit
  14. Exterior Elevations
  15. Elevations Building Pads & Canopy
  16. FSCD Review of Plan Revisions
  17. MCPB Request for Information
  18. Deal Lake DA Exhibit
  19. Community Impact Statement
  20. Stormwater Management Report
  21. Traffic Impact Study
  22. Stormwater O&M Manual
  23. P&F Major Site Plans
  24. Tax Assessor’s Comments
  25. Traffic Bureau Comments
  26. Remidation Letter- Woodward & Curran
  27. Preliminary & Final Site Plans
  28. Subdivision Plan
  29. Lighting Plan
  30. Site Plan Sheet
  31. Zoning Tables
  32. Truck Turns
  33. Stonefield Cover Letter
  34. Site Renderings
  35. Site Renderings 2
  36. Aerial
  37. Overall Aerial
  38. Stormwater Design
  39. MCPD Conditional Approval
  40. Stonefield Transmittal Plan Changes
  41. Revised Traffic Impact
  42. Revised Storm Water Management
  43. Revised Architechtural Plans  (6 sheets)
  44. Revised P&F Site Plan 1-16
  45. Revised P&F Site Plan 17-31
  46. Avakian Review- Supplemental to Review #1
  47. Sam Schwartz Traffic Eng Review #1
  48. Stonefield Submission
  49. Weave Analysis Report
  50. Asbury Avenue Driveway Exhibit
  51. Site Plan Exhibit
  52. Objector- Deal Lake Commission

Wasatch Storage Documents

  1. Nelson Engineering Letter
  2. Proposed Water Service
  3. Field Change Revision
  4. Application


135 Leonard LLC

  1. Avakian Review #1
  2. Completed Application Forms
  3. Deed
  4. Minor Subdivision
  5. Statement of Environmental Impact
  6. Survey
  7. Traffic Circulation Report


November 10

135 Leonard LLC

  1. Avakian Review #1
  2. Completed Application Forms
  3. Deed
  4. Minor Subdivision
  5. Statement of Environmental Impact
  6. Survey
  7. Traffic Circulation Report

Heathrow- Shark River Hills Estates

  1. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  2. Property Deeds
  3. Minor Subdivision Plat
  4. Statement of Environmental Impact
  5. Aerial Photo Exhibit
  6. Minor Subdivision Plat- Revised
  7. Plot Plan
  8. DEP Application Submission
  9. FSCD- Exempt
  10. Tax Assessor’s Memo
  11. Avakian- Completeness Waiver
  12. Avakian Review # 1
  13. Soil Disturbance Notice
  14. MCPB- Exempt
  15. NJDEP Coastal Jurisdictional Determination
  16. FSCD- Application Incomplete
  17. FSCD- Certification Letter
  18. NJDEP FWW- Line Verification
  19. NJDEP Approved Plans- Stamped
  20. Conditional Compliance
  21. Concept Trans Area Waiver


December 8

Ordinance Draft for Route 66 Redevelopment 

Heathrow- Shark River Hills Estates

  1. Checklist & Application for Subdivision
  2. Property Deeds
  3. Minor Subdivision Plat
  4. Statement of Environmental Impact
  5. Aerial Photo Exhibit
  6. Minor Subdivision Plat- Revised
  7. Plot Plan
  8. DEP Application Submission
  9. FSCD- Exempt
  10. Tax Assessor’s Memo
  11. Avakian- Completeness Waiver
  12. Avakian Review # 1
  13. Soil Disturbance Notice
  14. MCPB- Exempt
  15. NJDEP Coastal Jurisdictional Determination
  16. FSCD- Application Incomplete
  17. FSCD- Certification Letter
  18. NJDEP FWW- Line Verification
  19. NJDEP Approved Plans- Stamped
  20. Conditional Compliance
  21. Concept Trans Area Waiver