Neptune Township Department of Senior Services & Senior Center
1607 Corlies Avenue, Neptune NJ 07753
*Helpful Links*
CLICK HERE to be connected to the Adminsitration for Community Living website for more information on Aging & Disability Networks.
CLICK HERE to read more on Senior Isolation
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Each month, the Neptune Township Senior Center puts out a wonderful Newsletter which provides insight into what will be happening for the month.
January Newsletter
Click here for the complete Newsletter
Click here to view calendars
February Newsletter
Click here for the complete Newsletter
Click here to view calendars
Looking for exercise?
CLICK HERE to explore our various options available !
Our Neptune Township Senior Center ‘s Leadership Team offers a supportive environment for both beginning and more advanced member “artists” to receive guidance from our experienced instructors. We also benefit from participation in ongoing art exhibits, classes, and opportunities to display and sell our art.
On August 14th from 10am-12-pm we observed our 2019 Award-Winning art media being featured at the 2019 Monmouth County Senior Citizen Art Show at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters in Manalapan.
We are proud of our artists and we know everyone is a winner!
We all had a marvelous time reviewing and renewing our commitment to future art projects at our comprehensive and multidimensional “Center”.
Wednesday June 12 marked the last night in our four part series on learning healthy eating habits and adding exercise to our daily routine.
The SNAP ED “Eat Smart, Live Strong” program is a joint effort by the NJ Department of Agriculture and the Community Food Bank. The four week series focused on aspects of portion size, adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, how to make favorite meals healthier and how to shop smart and healthy.
Each week featured new ideas for healthy living, setting and sharing goals and experiences, some recipes, a snack and a free gift! Participants left encouraged and inspired to incorporate changes into their daily habits. The four week program was offered at night for our working seniors and we encourage everyone to watch our fall announcements when we plan to hold the program again during the day!
CLICK HERE to see photos from ths wonderful program!
Neptune Township Senior Center visits Jenkinson’s Boardwalk and Aquarium!
Whether you’re visiting Jersey Shore for a few days or are a local lite, living near the Jersey Shore always is assured to have something new for us to experience on a daily! The Neptune Township Senior Center’s Leadership Team are always looking at the activities for our ‘adventure junkies’ which will get the blood rushing and adrenaline pumping through our veins.
Last week we took a day-trip to Jenkinson’s Boardwalk and Aquarium in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. The day’s weather was stunning- blue skies, soft winds! We learned that Jenkinson’s Aquarium is a privately owned facility located on the boardwalk in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. Since June of 1991, the aquarium is dedicated to educating us as the visitors on all aspects of marine life and conservation. As we experienced, each designed exhibit promoted awareness of the animals, their habitats and conservation. As visitors and guests we were provided with a unique and memorable experience through many creative exhibits.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable time and we saw and learned a lot!
Our Neptune Senior Center plays a vital role in our Neptune Township Seniors lives as they age by helping them maintain their independence, offering ways to stay socially active, providing fitness classes for strength as well as continued learning and mental engagement. Moreover, our Neptune Township Senior Center continues to serve as a lifeline, a resource for connection within our Community, and when desired, a form of support and comfort during difficult times in our daily lives.
If you are interested in learning more about Neptune Township’s Senior Center Services or joining as a member, stop in or call 732-988-8855 to set up an appointment to visit. Our Leadership Team is always able, ready and willing to give you a tour.
Please CLICK HERE to see photos from the day!
Neptune Township Department of Senior Services and Senior Center
1607Corlies Avenue
Neptune, New Jersey 07753
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Handicapped Accessible Funding Sources: Municipal and Federal Funds
Service Area: The Neptune Senior Citizens’ Center serves the residents of Neptune Township who are 60 years of age or older and their families. Limited services and many recreational and educational programs are also available to residents of surrounding towns. Information can be obtained from the Center regarding the availability of these services.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to maintain a premier facility, and resource center, for educational, recreational, wellness and nutritional programs as well as volunteer opportunities, transportation, reassuring telephone contacts, counseling, and support services, for seniors and their caregivers. Our goal is to meet the needs of all Seniors, homebound and independent, to ensure quality of life, to promote physical, emotional, and economic well-being and to encourage participation in all aspects of community life.
Information and Referral Services – The Center is a community focal point and resource center for seniors to receive information pertaining to senior related issues such as entitlement programs, home care assistance, family counseling, health insurance counseling, income tax, and legal assistance.
Recreational Programs – Activities such as arts and crafts, ceramics, parties, bingo, games, group meetings and monthly feature movies are available five days per week.
Educational Programs – Continuing education for seniors and their families is promoted through speakers, classes, and support groups.
Nutrition Programs – Continental breakfast is offered daily until 11:00am, good will donation. No reservation is required. Lunch is served daily at 12 noon. Donation of $2.50 requested. Reservations are required and requested by 11:30am the day before.
Outreach Services – Outreach services are designed to locate and service homebound seniors by providing home visits and information and referral services. Assistance is provided with entitlement programs, filing applications, etc. Caseworkers work in conjunction with families and other agencies to ensure safety, welfare and independence of the senior in the community.
Health and Wellness Clinics – Health clinics are provided monthly and include nutrition programs, Flu and Pneumonia vaccines and more.
Physical Fitness Programs – Exercise classes, Tai Chi classes, yoga classes, total body solutions, zumba gold, and bowling are available.
Transportation – Transportation services to and from the Center as well as trips for medical appointments, food shopping and personal requests are also available. Reservations are required and are requested at least 24 hours in advance.
“Your Needs Are Our Concern”
Our Mission:
It is the mission of Neptune Township’s Department of Senior Services and Senior Center to provide quality, essential and responsive services to older adults, homebound and independent, and their families or caregivers. Our staff is dedicated to providing services with respect, compassion and accountability. Our Center works with all area agencies to guarantee maximum service connection.
Our Goal:
Given that the well-being of each resident impacts the entire community, it is the goal of this department to support independence, encourage life satisfaction and promote mental, physical and social well-being for older adults now and into the future.
Senior Center Staff
- J. Randy Bishop, Director
- Kristina Torres, Deputy Director
- Michelle Swift, Adminstrative Assistant
- Ryan Ugrovics, Outreach Coordinator
- Lindsay Okuszki, Recreation Coordinator
- Teresa Richard, Kitchen Manager
- Jennifer Nurse, Kitchen Aide
- Carol McDonald, Kitchen Aide
- Ralph Parkman, Maintenance
- Robert White, Bus Driver
- David Pyle, Bus Driver
- , Senior Programs Representative