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Housing Plan Element & Fair Share Plan
Please CLICK HERE to view plan

Master Plan Reexamination Report 
Please CLICK HERE to view



    Neptune Strategic Revitalization Plan

    (click on icon)




Go to this page for application forms for Zoning and Planning Boards, Zoning and HPC.

Division Street Needs Study: CLICK HERE




Kristie Dicket, Zoning Officer-                      732-988-5200  Ext. 278
Heather Kepler, Asst. Zoning Officer-        732-988-5200 ext. 270

Click here to Download the Neptune Zoning Map

Click here to view the current codified Land Development Ordinance

Click Here to Download the Land Development Ordinance PDF

Click Here to Download Neptune Zoning Map for Ocean Grove

Click Here to Download the Neptune Zoning District Bulk Regulations.

Click Here to Download Ordinance 04-23 (Section 528)

Ordinance No. 04-39 - Fair Share/Affordable Housing Click Here

Ordinance No. 05-19 - Amends Civic Zone for hospitals/adds two alternates to Board of Adjustment Click Here

Ordinance No. 07-11 (Amending various sections to provide clarifications and updates) click here

Ordinance No.07- 25 (Dumpsters, PODS, Trailers), click here

For a copy of Ordinance No.07-46, click here

Click here for updated application fees (Ordinance 07-49)

Ordinance No. 07-53, amending the rear yard setback in certain historic district zones. Click here

Ordinance No. 07-54, an amendment to Section 418 pertaining to height exemptions
and permitted projections of the Land Development Ordinance click here

Ordinance No. 08-03 (Amending & Supplementing LDO: Non comforming uses; structures and lots) click here
Ordinance No. 08-38,  (Amending & Supplementing LDO: Affordable housing contribution) click here
Ordinance No. 08-39 (Amending & Supplementing LDO: Rezone lots), click here
Ordinance No. 08-44 (Amending & Supplementing LDO: Signs), click here
Ordinance No. 09-39 (Amends Section 508 -Stormwater Management), click here
Ordinance No. 09-42 (Amends Section 907-Demolitions in historic district), click here
Ordinance No. 10-04 (Repeals Section 525-Tree removal and cutting), click here
Ordinance No. 11-11 (Amends Section 528-Requirements for storm drain inlets), click here
Ordinance No. 11-17 (Amends Section 411.09-Storage of recreational vehicles and boats), click here
Ordinance No. 11-35 (Amends Section 411.07-Porches and decks), click here
Ordinance No. 12-21 Steep Slopes Click here
Ordinance No. 14-02 (Amending various sections to provide clarifications and updates) Click here
Ordinance No. 14-04 (Amending Section 1000, Application and Escrow Fees and Amending Section 1004, Approval by Township Attorney) Click here 
Ordinance No. 14-05 (Amending Zoning for Block 1007, Lots 32 and 34 from C-4 to R-2) Click here
Ordinance No. 14-07 (Adding “Convenience Store with Gas”) Click here
Ordinance No. 14-08 (Amending Volume II, Section 300, adding Section 424 to be entitled “Hospital Support Zone”) Click here
Ordinance No. 14-24 (Rezoning certain properties along Route 66 to C-1 planned commerical zone) Click here
Ordinance No. 14-25 (Rezoning Block 9025, Lots 53, 54, 55, 55.01 from C-1 Planned Commercial to R-2 Residential) Click here
Ordinance No. 14-26 (Amending Section 404.04 entitled C-1 Planned Commercial Development) Click here
Ordinance No. 14-27(Amending Section 412.18 entitled Parking in Front Setback) Click here 
Ordinance No. 14-39 (Rezoning certain properties along Route 66 to C-1) Click here 
Ordinance No. 14-48 (Amending Section 300, and adding Section 423, “Transit Village Zone”) Click here      
rdinance No. 15-08 (Amending Sections 201 & 401 by establishing “Net Density Provisions Affecting Residential Zones”) Click here
Ordinance No. 15-09 (Amend Section 201 by amending the definition of “Impervious Cover”) Click here
Ordinance No. 15-28 (Amend sections relating to dormers, corner lot definition, fences and walls, billboards, and signs) Click here 
Ordinance No. 15-49 (Amend section 419 entitled Flood Hazard Regulations by amending the architectural design requirements) Click here
rdinance No 16-20 Defines “Effective Land Area” and amends the maximum floor area ratio calcuation Click here
Ordinance No 16-23 Amends Section 412 temporary storage units/dumpsters Click here
Ordinance No 16-32 Amends and supplements Section 913 “Penalty Certificate of Appropriateness” and Section 1105, “Penalties” CLICK HERE
Ordinance No 16-47 Amends and supplements by admending Section 1010, entitled “Plot Plans and As-Built Survey” and Section 1012, entitled “Zoning Permits” CLICKHERE
Ordinance No. 17-17 Amends and supplement the land development ordinance. Click here
Ordinance No. 20-16- Amends Section 415.11 regarding Mobile Home Parks. Click Here.
Ordinance No. 20-25- Amends the Land Development ordinance by rezoning. Click here.
Ordinance No. 20-26- Amends the permitted, conditional and accessory uses in the B-1 Commercial Zone. Click here.
Ordinance No. 21-07- Amends the Land Development Ordinance, Section 528 Entitled “Stormwater Management” Click here
Ordinance No. 21-34- Defining and regulating cannabiss class uses. CLICK HERE.
Ordinance No. 21-44- Amends by Allowing for a Clustering Option in the R-1 Zone. CLICK HERE
Ordinance No. 21-45- Amends the Land Development ordinance with regards to Temporary Trailers, dumpsters and portable storage units. CLICK HERE
Ordinance No. 21-54- Adopts a redevelopment plan for areas along Route 66. CLICK HERE

Master Plan

Click on the links below for the Master Plan and Figures. Following is a memo sent to the Planning Board outlining the corrections.

Comprehensive Master Plan

  • Figure1 (Zoning)
  • Figure 2 (Land Use)
  • Figure 3 (Circulation map)
  • Figure 4 (Community Facilities map)
  • Figure 5 (Watersheds and Sub Watersheds)
  • Figure 6 (Redevelopment Areas map)

    Memorandum-The Master Plan

     Date:           January 12, 2012

    To:                Planning board, Township of Neptune

    Cc:                Leanne hoffman, Pe, PP, CME

    From:          Jennifer Beahm, PP, AICP

    RE:                 Summary of master Plan CORRECTIONS - Neptune Township

    This memorandum seeks to summarize the non-substantive corrections that are proposed for the Draft Neptune Township Master Plan.  The Neptune Township Master Plan Subcommittee convened on December 19th, 2011 with the purpose of evaluating and considering all public commentary that has been received and noted throughout the Master Planning process, as well as each individual written request for changes, alterations and additions to the Draft Master Plan.  The Neptune Township Master Plan Subcommittee has evaluated all of the various requests that have been received throughout the planning process and has directed the following non-substantive corrections be made to the Draft Master Plan document as follows:

    1)       Introduction

    A.     Township Goals & Objectives (page 3) Goal #14 was added as follows:

    Pursue Certified Local Government designation for the Township to assist in the preservation of the Historic District and allow further ability to pursue grants and funding opportunities.

    2)       Land Use Element

    A.     Goals & Objectives #17 (page 13) existing goal amended as follows:

    Review and evaluate the PUD Zoning District, which maintains frontage along Jumping Brook Road and Route 66 in the western portion of the Township, as well as the adjacent C-1 Zoning District to the west, for potential rezoning so as to permit more appropriate use(s), in consideration of the variety of existing land uses, which comprise these collective areas.

    B.     Goals & Objectives #23 added, LI District along Memorial Drive (Page 13), added the following goal:

    Evaluate the Light Industrial Zoning District along Memorial Drive.  This District contains a mix of industrial and single-family residential land uses, interspersed with commercial and vacant parcels.  The parcels immediately adjacent to Atkins Avenue between 5thand 8th Avenue, which border the southwestern portion of the Zoning District, appear to be predominantly industrial in terms of existing land uses. The alignment of the overall District boundaries should be evaluated with particular emphasis placed on evaluating immediately adjacent industrial parcels along Atkins Avenue for inclusion in the District and potentially realigning other portions of the District boundary to omit incompatible land uses to the north.

    C.     Recommendation #1 (c) PUD/R-1 and adjacent C-1 District (Page 37) was replaced with the following:

    It is recommended that the PUD/R-1 Zoning District in the northwestern portion of the Township, bounded by State Highway 66, Jumping Brook Road, Green Grove Road, and a portion of Bangs Avenue should be further evaluated along with the adjacent C-1 Zoning District that borders the PUD/R-1 Zone to the West.  There is a wide range of existing land uses in this area, including single-family and multi-family residential, commercial, schools, vacant land and smaller portions of publically owned property.  Overall, the PUD/R-1 zoning designation does not reflect the existing patterns of development. The overall area should be evaluated for consideration of more appropriate Zoning District(s), which reflect prevailing patterns of development and are sensitive to adjacent Zoning Districts, as well as important corridors, such as State Highway 66.  Further, this evaluation should also consider more appropriate zoning in the C-1 District indicated above, with consideration given to existing residential development in the southern portion of this District. A transitional Zoning District, between existing residential development in the southern portion of this area and anticipated commercial Zoning along the State Highway 66 corridor to the north should be considered in any evaluation of these Zoning Districts.

    D.     Recommendation # 4(a) Historic District (Page 38), “Federally” designated was replaced with “Nationally” designated.

    E.      Recommendation #4(c) Historic District (Page 39), has been amended as follows:

    Currently, the ordinance defines yard requirements as follows: “For lots in the HD-R-1 Zone District, the front building line shall have a minimum front yard setback of ten (10) feet back from the street line and the front porch line shall be set back at a minimum distance of four (4) feet from the street line.” East of Central Avenue, the ordinance continues as follows: “No building line or front porch line need be set back farther than the average alignment of those front building and front porch lines of existing buildings within 200 feet on each side of the lot and within the same block front and within the same Zone District. This provision does not permit the encroachment of buildings or porches into the flared open space area.”  This definition has proven problematic, as architectural forms and styles are not uniform across Ocean Grove.  It is recommended that a new definition be established to address this issue with the overall goal of maintaining the historic flare in Ocean Grove.

    F.      Recommendation #5 (Page 41), Creation of a Township Land Use Advisory Committee was removed.

    G.     Recommendations subsection (Page 44),  the following recommendation regarding Special Area Standard from RSIS was added:

    i)        Special Area Standards

    The rules concerning streets and parking, as promulgated in the Residential Site Improvement standards (RSIS) are not appropriate in furthering the on-going preservation and continued enhancement of the Historic portions of the Township.  Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:21-3.5, Neptune Township should incorporate “special area standards” for Ocean Grove into the Township’s New Land Development Ordinance, to be submitted and approved by the New Jersey Site Improvement Advisory Board.

    3)       Historic Preservation Element

    A.     Goals and Objectives (Page 173), added the following Goal #10:

    i)        To encourage the maintenance and rehabilitation of historic structures and to promote high design standards for new structures and streetscape improvements, with special attention paid to critical vistas; including but not limited to existing historic street layout, flared avenues, and other significant community planning elements.

    B.     Page 175, Historic Neptune and Ocean Grove subsections were amended to incorporate changes to factual elements and add more history from the historic preservation community and local residents. 

    4)       Parks Recreation & Open Space Element

    A.     Existing Park and Recreational Facilities (page 100) added the following items to the list of ROSI properties: Midtown Commons Park & Community Gardens.

    B.     Table 7.2 (Page 102), Founder’s Park updated to reflect a Passive Park and Memorial.

    C.     Evaluation of Recreational Facility Needs (Page 114) amended to add additional language for the northwest Midtown area as follows: “The northwestern Midtown Neighborhood area is in need of further recreational facilities. In particular, residents expressed a desire for outdoor basketball courts.  The Midtown School is a feasible location for additional outdoor recreational facilities, in particular, basketball courts.”

    5)       Figures

    A.     Community Facilities Map: updated to reflect the following changes:

    i)        American Legion - 231 Fisher Avenue

    ii)      Elks 3409 West  Bangs Avenue (Bl, 10,000 Lot 9)

    iii)    American Legion - 21 Gully Road

    iv)    American Legion - 240 Drummond Avenue (Bl. 217, Lot 459)

    v)      VFW - 1511 Corlies Avenue

    Ordinance 12-13An ordinance to amend Section 1001 of the Land Development Ordinance of the Township of Neptune by amending the Affordable Housing Contribution requirements and procedures in accordance with Council on Affordable Housing regulations.


Planning Board
The Planning Board reviews plans submitted by applicants who want to develop their land for residential, commercial or industrial uses. Plans can be approved with conditions or restrictions that are incorporated into the Planning Board’s decision. The Board guides the process of zoning amendments by holding public hearings and making recommendations to the Township Committee.

The Board is also responsible for the Master Plan and the implementation of some of its recommendations. The Board meets monthly. 
Contact Heather Kepler, Administrative Officer, at 732-988-5200 Ext. 278

The Coastal Monmouth Plan (CMP)

The Monmouth County Planning Board has crafted the County’s third Regional Plan, the Coastal Monmouth Plan.
The CMP can be viewed online at the Monmouth Planning Board webpage, by clicking here.
It is the intent of the Monmouth County Planning Board to adopt the Coastal Monmouth Plan as an element of the Monmouth County Growth Management Guide. Pursuant to the County Planning Act (N.J.S.A. 40:27-1 et seq.) a public hearing on the Plan is scheduled to be held on July 19, 2010. The public hearing details are as follows:
  • Date: July 19, 2010
  • Time: 2 pm
  • Location: Monmouth County Planning Board Conference Room, Second Floor, Hall of Records Annex, 1 East Main Street, Freehold NJ
Written or e-mailed comments will be accepted through Friday, July 16, 2010. Please address mail to Geri Elias, Secretary to the Boar, Monmouth County Planning Board, Hall of Records Annex, 2nd Floor, 1 East Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728 or fax your written comments to Ms. Elias at (732) 409-7540. If emailing comments, please address your correspondence to gelias@monmouth
Source: Joseph Rettagliata, Chairman, Monmouth County Planning Board

Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment, is the board of appeals. Generally applicants are seeking bulk variances. This can apply to such things as setback requirements, lot frontage and/or area, use changes (planning to do business where it is not zoned for business or a homeowner wishing to build a single family dwelling in a commercial area). Variances are necessary for homes not meeting height requirements.

Applications are received and reviewed for completeness. Applicants are notified by mail of their scheduled meeting date and additional information is enclosed in the packet. 

The Board meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held at the Neptune Municipal Complex, 25 Neptune Blvd, Neptune NJ 07753 in the Township Committee Meeting room, located on the second floor.
Contact Heather Kepler, Administrative Officer, 732-988-5200  Ext. 270




Main Number   732-988-5200

Name Phone Contact

Land Use Administrator
Kristie Dickert, Zoning Officer 732-988-5200 Ext. 278

Nicholas Megill
Land Use Inspector

732-988-5200 Ext. 249
Heather Kepler
Board Administrative Officer (Planning & Zoning)
732-988-5200 Ext. 270