Quick Links
Certificate of Appropriateness Application and Information Sheet
Partial or Demolition Application Packet (required if demolishing 15% or more of the exterior structure or roof)
Commercial- Ocean Grove Historic District Architectural Design Guidelines (2003)
Residental- Ocean Grove Historic District Architectural Design Guidelines (2005)
Ordinance 07-46 (To Revise and Amende Ordinance Section 907)
Ordinance No. 09-42 (Amending & Supplmenting the Ordinance Section 907)
Resolution No. 07-486 (Authorize Amendment to the Ocean Grove Architectural Design Guidelines)
Resolution No. 07-486 (Attachment for Resolution 07-486)
Resolution No. 11-166 (Amending the Design Guidelines
The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstruction of Historic Buildings
Pre-Approved Benjamin Moore & Sherwin Williams Paint Colors
Before undertaking any work on the exterior of an Ocean Grove residence or business, owners or a representative of the owner must submit an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). You may obtain an application using the link above. Paper versions are also available at the HPC Office in the Neptune Township Municipal Offices, at the address below.
Some Initial Points. Please keep in mind that:
- The HPC regulates the exteriors of Ocean Grove residences and business, not interiors.
- Some projects may require preceding and/or subsequent approvals from Zoning, Engineering, and/or Construction Departments.
- Many projects that do not require a Zoning, Engineering, and/or Construction Permit may still require HPC approval.
Application Review
All Applications are carefully reviewed within 5-10 business days of receipt. Depending on the complexity of the project, your application may be administratively approved or you may be directed to present and give testimony on your project before the full HPC.
Certificate of Appropriateness
A certificate of appropriateness is essentially a document from the Historic Preservation Commission approving all work to be performed to the exterior of an Ocean Grove residence or business.
Design Guidelines
The Neptune Township Land Development Sections 507 “Historic District Streetscape Design Stands”, Section 508 “Historic Preservation Design Guidelines”, and Section 907 “Demolition of Structures on Properties in Historic Zoning Districts or on Designated Historic Site” along with the Historic Preservation Design Guidelines are intended to serve as the basis for review by the HPC in all architectural façade design approval decision-making. Below are some typical projects, which require HPC approval (details in the Design Guidelines):
Exterior Alterations/New Construction
• Painting (new colors)
• Siding/Trim/Ornamentation
• Doors/Windows • Columns/Railings
• Porches/Balconies • Shutters/Awnings
• Roofs/Skylights • Gutters/Leaders
• Stairs/Fire Escapes • Partial/Full Demos.
Site Alterations
• HVAC/Communications Equipment
• Fences • Patios/Pathways
• Slate Sidewalks • Retaining Walls
• Lighting • Paving Materials
• Driveways • Auxiliary Structures
Ocean Grove was placed on the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places in 1975 and 1976, respectively. Designations were based on the Historic District’s significance as an important and intact example of 19th century urban planning (i.e. town layout, flared setbacks); and its unique aggregation of historic architecture, including residences, businesses, and religious structures in late 19th and early 20th century seaside vernacular architecture styles.
Mandate, Goals and Role
To maintain Ocean Grove’s Historic Places designations, and to preserve the Historic District’s architectural integrity, craftsmanship, and heritage, Neptune Township passed ordinances that established the HPC and its Design Guidelines.
In addition to its regular duties, the HPC is also committed to working with and in the community, educating residence and business owners about Ocean Grove historic architecture preservation. The HPC helps owners enhance the integrity and value of their structures in a manner historically appropriate to Ocean Grove.
HPC Members
The HPC contains 7 regular and 2 alternate members, appointed by the Neptune Township Mayor. All members are volunteer and serve without compensation. Each is qualified and/or interested in contributing to the preservation of Neptune Township’s historic architecture heritage. The HPC meets at 7pm, the second Tuesday of each month in the Township Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Neptune Township Municipal Offices, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Neptune Township. Agendas are available online prior to meetings, and results are available following the meetings in the above Agendas & Minutes menu of this website.
This website page is for general information purposes only. It should not be considered legal advice and shall not be a substitute for compliance with all federal and state laws, local ordinances and guidelines, or other compliance with any other procedural and/or substantive legal requirements.
Contacting the HPC
by telephone
Ext. 270
In Person:
8:00 am-4:00 pm
Neptune Township Municipal Building
25 Neptune Boulevard
Neptune Township, NJ 07753