For more information regarding businesses in Neptune that are still open during the current COVID-19, please CLICK HERE.
Community Food Resources
Please CLICK HERE for the complete list
Attention all Neptune Food Establishments and Retailers:
Governor Murphy Announces Outdoor Dining Protocols and Process to Expand Premises for Liquor License Holders
Please CLICK HERE for Executive Order # 150
Please CLICK HERE for the protocols for food or beverage establishments pursuant to Executive Order #150
Please CLICK HERE for the special ruling establishing requirements due to COVID-19
The Municipal Court office is open to take telephone calls but remains closed to pedestrian traffic . Payments may be made at NJMCDIRECT.com, mailed to PO Box 1125, Neptune, NJ 07754 or dropped off at the Municipal Complex. Please include your full name and address on all payments. Please print legibly.
Where appropriate, Plea Agreements have been mailed in lieu of in-person appearances for court. If you have received a Plea-by-Mail form PLEASE indicate whether you accept or decline the offer, provide your telephone number and email address and return the form to the court.
**You may return the form even if the return date has already passed.
All other cases will be scheduled for a virtual court session via ZOOM. Please call the court to provide an email address for session notification.
Telephone numbers and email addresses are used for CONTACT PURPOSES ONLY.
In anticipation of Governor Murphy allowing the further re-opening of restaurants and retail businesses with restrictions and/or modifications, Township has created temporary permits to allow restaurants and retail businesses to open with expanded usage modifications.
Again, this is all contingent upon Governor Murphy lifting some restrictions currently in place. By allowing restaurants and retail to view and fill out these permits in advance, we look to provide our business community more time to prepare for this next phase.
Below is a more detailed explanation
RESTAURANTS: As part of an effort to support the local economy, the Township of Neptune has determined that some local restaurants may be able to temporarily establish outdoor seating for their establishments with the issuance of a temporary use permit.
These permits may allow restaurants, on a case-by-case, limited basis, to expand the areas available for outdoor seating. The temporary use permit for outdoor dining is only for restaurants with an active mercantile license from the Township of Neptune and a physical location within the Township. If the restaurant currently has approved outdoor dining the temporary use permit is only necessary if the restaurant wishes to temporarily expand their approved outdoor dining space.
RETAIL: The Township is also issuing temporary use permits for outdoor retail sales for businesses with an active mercantile license from the Township of Neptune and a physical location within the Township. This is to allow for the outdoor display and sale of merchandise. The temporary use permit is only valid during normal business hours.
Restaurants and businesses interested in applying for a temporary use permit can find the corresponding application below. Completed applications should be sent to the Township Administrator, vgadaleta@neptunetownship.org. There is no fee for a temporary use permit for qualifying restaurants and businesses.
*Temporary use permits shall be restricted to normally permitted current zoning activity and shall be related to the principal commercial activities in operation on the subject property. Temporary use permits shall not be issued to occupy unimproved properties or areas identified as open space, preserve, drainage or detention areas, or landscape buffers. Safe ingress and egress shall be provided to the site, including emergency access measures at all times. If the applicant does not own the area, a letter from the property owner granting permission to utilize the subject area identified within the temporary use permit, during the requested time period, shall be provided by the applicant.
All restaurants and businesses receiving the temporary use permit must comply with the requirements of social distancing and other regulations in accordance with applicable Executive Orders issued by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy.
CLICK HERE for the application for Outdoor Retail Sales
CLICK HERE for the application for Outdoor Dining
New Jersey’s Law Against Price Gouging is now in Effect
This law prohibits excessive price increases during a declared state of emergency, or for 30 days after the termination of the state of emergency. Excessive price increases are defined as price increases that are more than 10 percent higher than the price at which merchandise was sold during the normal course of business prior to the state of emergency. Consumers who believe they were targeted by a scheme related to COVID-19 or who believe that businesses have unfairly increased their prices are encouraged to file a complaint online or call (973) 504-6240. Consumers should leave their name, contact information, nature of the complaint and the name and address of the business.
“Guidelines to re-open”
Please CLICK HERE to view
For a complete list of all Executive Orders, please CLICK HERE.
Executive Order #105- Elections
Executive Order #107- Businesses that can remain open
Executive Order #110- Child Care Centers
Executive Order #116- School Elections
Executive Order #117- Student Assessments
Executive Order #118- State & County Park Closures
Executive Order #122- Cease all non-essential construction work
Executive Order #138- Extend Public Health Emergency
Executive Order #142- Construction, gatherings and retail business
Executive Order #143- Allowing Beaches, Boardwalks, Lakes & Lakeshores to remain open with social distancing measures in place
Exectutive Order #147- Outdoor Recreational Activities
Executive Order #154- Allowing Personal Care Service Facilities to Open Effective June 22
Executive Order #157- Rules for Indoor Dining, Indoor Recreational Facilities, and Individualized Instruction at Gyms and Fitness Centers
Executive Order #156- Indoor Gatherings
Executive Order #158- Indoor Dining Restrictions
Executive Order #168- Contact Sports
Executive Order #170- Extending Certain Statutory Deadlines
Executive Order #173- Updated Indoor Gatherings
Executive Order #186- Indoor Sports
Executive Order #192- Protecting New Jersey’s Workforce During Pandemic
Executive Order #194- New Indoor Dining & Interstate Youth Sport Restrictions
Executive Order #196- Lowering Indoor Gathering Limits
Executive Order #200- Extending Public Health Emergency
Effective March 17, 2020, Social Security Offices Will Only Offer Phone Service
** Online Services Remain Available **
All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.
Our secure and convenient online services remain available at www.socialsecurity.gov. Local offices will also continue to provide critical services over the phone. We are working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state and local governments, and other experts to monitor COVID-19 and will let you know as soon as we can resume in-person service.
If you need help from Social Security:
- First, please use our secure and convenient online services available at www.socialsecurity.gov/onlineservices. You can apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits online, check the status of an application or appeal, request a replacement Social Security card (in most areas), print a benefit verification letter, and much more – from anywhere and from any of your devices. We also have a wealth of information to answer most of your Social Security questions online, without having to speak with a Social Security representative in person or by phone. Please visit our online Frequently Asked Questions at www.socialsecurity.gov/ask.
- If you cannot conduct your Social Security business online, please check our online field office locator for specific information about how to directly contact your local office. Your local office still will be able to provide critical services to help you apply for benefits, answer your questions, and provide other services over the phone.
- If you already have an in-office appointment scheduled, we will call you to handle your appointment over the phone instead. If you have a hearing scheduled, we will call you to discuss alternatives for continuing with your hearing, including offering a telephonic hearing. Our call may come from a PRIVATE number and not from a U.S. Government phone. Please remember that our employees will not threaten you or ask for any form of payment.
If you cannot complete your Social Security business online, please call our National 800 Number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778). Our National 800 Number has many automated service options you can use without waiting to speak with a telephone representative. A list of automated telephone services is available online at www.socialsecurity.gov/agency/contact/phone.html.
Killing Corona Virus in your vehicle. CLICK HERE for information
On Monday, April 6th, some of Neptune Township’s first responders which included, EMS, Emergency Management, Police and Fire, lined up at Jersey Shore University Medical Center to cheer on and show appreciation for the doctors, nurses and other medical staff who were headed to work and then those who were leaving their shifts.