As promised, there will be discussion and a vote on the motion put forward by Jack Bredin at the February membership meeting.
The text of the motion is as follows:
“The OGHOA is in favor of the Neptune Township Committee re-filing an application for a waiver from the State RSIS Parking Standard for detached single-family houses only”.
A quorum of 40 members in good standing must be present at the meeting in order to put the motion to a vote. Homeowners who have paid their annual dues of $10.00 for 2016 are eligible to vote. If you have not yet paid your 2016 dues, you may do so at the meeting.
The meeting will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, as required by the By-Laws of the Ocean Grove Home Owners Association.
There will be a special meeting of the members of the Ocean Grove Home Owners Association at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 9, 2016, in the Ocean Grove Community Room.
At the special meeting, the Parking Committee will present its recommendations for improving access to parking in Ocean Grove during peak periods.
Both meetings are open to all, and we look forward to seeing our friends and neighbors on March 26 and April 9. Please share this notice with those of your neighbors who may not be on our e-mail list.
Ann Horan, President