Does Your Health Depend on Electric?
Does your health depend on Electric Service? Are you signed on with JCP&L?
JCP&L customers who use electrically operated life support equipment or depend on private well water can register their account with the company to get updates on potential interruptions to their electric service, such as weather-related outages during the summer storm season.
JCP&L maintains a critical care list of customers who depend on electrically operated life support equipment. To be included on this list,
every year customers must complete and submit an authorization form signed by their physician. The list is used to contact customers should an outage affect their electric service for more than 24 hours.
JCP&L also has a list of homes and businesses that depend on electrically operated private wells for water. These customers also are notified if a power outage is expected to affect their electric service for more than 24 hours, in which case they would be advised of locations where water and ice are available.
Both the critical care customer and private well customer lists are provided to county and municipal Offices of Emergency Management.
To receive additional information and register accounts for the programs call 1-800-662-3115.