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Tuesday, February 4, 2014 - 7:00pm EST


Historic Preservation Commission of the Township of Neptune has scheduled a Special Meeting on Tuesday, February 04, 2014 at 7:00 p.m to consider the application filed by William P. Gannon III, Esq on behalf of Maplewood-Ocean Grove Assoc. Inc  for the premises identified as  4 Boardwalk (Block 1.01 Lot 3). The meeting will be held at the Neptune Municipal Complex, 25 Neptune Blvd, 2nd Floor Twp Committee Room, Neptune, New Jersey 07753.       

The applicant seeks approval to make certain exterior repairs to the structure located on the subject property that was damaged during a storm and to perform other exterior work on and around the structure not related to storm damage.  The application includes but is not limited to work involving exterior finishes and elements, doors, windows, siding, roofing, exterior facing, screening, decks, railings, and air condenser units.         

The public is invited to attend. The application and supporting documents are on file with the office of the Historic Preservation Commission during normal business hours. Any questions may be addressed to the Commission Secretary at (732) 988-5200 extension 247. Information is also available on the Township of Neptune website at

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