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Stormwater Management


The Department of Engineering of the Township of Neptune oversees the NJDEP Stormwater Tier A permit in conjunction with the Department of Public Works.  The Township of Neptune operates under a Tier A-MS4 General Permit.  The NJDEP Tier A permit issued under the USEPA Phase II rules, authorizes the discharge of Stormwater from small municipal separate storm sewers.  Tier A municipalities are generally located with the more densely populated regions of the state or along or near the coast.  The Tier A permit addresses stormwater quality issues related to both new and existing development. 

The Department of Engineering maintains the following documents in compliance with the NJDEP Tier A permit

As part of the requirements of the NJDEP Tier A Stormwater Permit there is consistent and continual education for employees, government officials, board members and the general public.  In order to help that initiative below are several links to helpful information.  Some of the links provide basic information in order to help educate.  Other links provide useful information as to how individuals can help locally to minimize stormwater pollution



Quick Links:

What’s a Watershed?


Yard Trimmings

Nonpoint Source Pollution

Home Composting

Grass Clippings

Leaf Composting

Solutions to Stormwater 


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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 7:00pm EDT

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - 7:00pm EDT

Thursday, April 3, 2025 - 6:00pm EDT