The Office of Vital Statistics has resumed normal operating procedures and is fully open to the public.
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am–4:00pm
Marriage License Appointments are scheduled BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
The Township of Neptune Office of Vital Statistics maintains records of Births, Deaths, Marriages, Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships that occurred in Neptune Township only. Certified copies may be obtained in person during regular business hours, by mail, or ordered online through
Birth, Civil Union or Marriage certificates are $15.00 each.
Death Certificates are $25.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy.
Neptune Township Requirements for Obtaining Certified Copies
All applicants must show a valid photo driver’s license with their current address OR two alternative forms of identification. Refer to list below:
Acceptable forms of identification |
Examples include non-photo driver’s license, vehicle registration, insurance card, voter registration card, passport, green card, county ID, school ID, work ID, military ID, utility bill (current within the last 30 days, or W-2 (current or previous year) |
If you are unable to supply us with a copy of any of the aforementioned documents, the following individuals may request it for you with their VALID ID:
*People who are homeless can provide identification from a social worker or homeless shelter coordinator.
*People who are incarcerated can provide legal imprisonment or release documents or identification from a prison/probation/parole officer, current in the last 90 days.
To order vital records online, click here
VitalChek Network, Inc is an independent company and the only authorized vendor for obtaining Neptune Township vital records online. An additional fee is charged by VitalChek for using this service, and all major credit cards are accepted, including American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa. |
To order vital records by mail
Print and submit the Application for a Certified Copy of a Vital Record (PDF) along with:
- Clear photocopies of your identification (refer to list above)
- In-state check or money order payable to “Township of Neptune”. Include your phone number on the check or money order. DO NOT SEND CASH.
- You must include a self-addressed, postage paid envelope with your application.
Mail the completed application and all supporting documentation to Registrar, Vital Statistics, PO Box 1125, Neptune NJ 07754
Please allow two weeks to process.
To apply for a marriage license
Marriage licenses are issued only to Neptune Township residents who are getting married in New Jersey.
Applications are done BY APPOINTMENT ONLY between the hours of 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Monday through Thursday. Call 732-988-5200 ext. 221 to schedule an appointment.
For further inquiries, including making corrections/amendments to a vital record, please contact our office at 732-988-5200, x 221.
Office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. We are located in the Municipal Complex, 25 Neptune Blvd, Neptune NJ 07753
Hugh P. Hinds, Registrar + Katherine Iglesias, Deputy Registrar
To download the Birth, Marriage or Death PDF form, CLICK HERE
To download the instructions for obtaining a Marriage License, CLICK HERE
To download the Application for a Marriage License, CLICK HERE
To give your permission for someone to pick up a death/birth record, click here