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Enjoy this fun “How to Cook” website. Please CLICK HERE

For a great resource on some of our National Parks, please CLICK HERE

To access fun online classes, tours, music and more CLICK HERE or visit

For a fun video on how to make a kite, please CLICK HERE

Love nature? Indoor nature activities abound at

Explore fascinating animals at the San Diego Zoo at


Take the kids out on the bikes or walk the neighborhood during the day. At night, Glow Stick Dance Party!


Have a Tie Dye party! Here are step by step instructions on how to create fun tie dye shirts, socks, blankets and pillow cases:


Make yummy banana bread. You can recruit the kids to help, or do this solo. Especially comforting when it’s raining outside. Your home will smell great and you’ll have breakfast for days. 

Get some steps! Head outside and start walking. Download a free app to start tracking your steps, and shoot for a goal of at least 50,000 steps each week. For extra motivation, join our Free Steps Challenge at

Play Some Cards. There’s War. Rummy. Spades. Hearts. Or teach your kids a new card game at

FAMILY FITNESS FRIDAY - Time to stretch out and move the bones. It’s Yoga with the Kiddos! Visit


Explore this mind-blowing virtual series on five U.S. National Parks.  It features documentary-style VR videography and narration by park rangers who guide you into epic adventures. Kayak through icebergs in Kenai Fjords National Park (Alaska). Take a helicopter ride above an active volcano in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. Dive an old shipwreck in Dry Tortugas National Park (Florida). And do it all in the same day without leaving your bed.

Virtual tour of Lucy the Elephant, live! Join the ‘Save Lucy Committee’ on Tuesday, May 12th at 12:00pm (that’s noon) for an hour long virtual tour where you will learn about this unique structure that has been declared a National Historic Landmark and the Oldest Roadside Attraction in America! Each Participant will also have the opportunity to explore Lucy’s interior, see the view from Lucy’s riding carriage, and even get answers to the questions you’ve had about our girl, Lucy, during our LIVE Q&A portion of the virtual tour. You won’t want to miss it!

To access our LIVE Virtual Tour, be sure to visit our website and Online Gift Shop at to see how you can be a part of this event. You can visit the Facebook page at


Remember the olden days, before email and cell phones? Put thoughts on paper and write letters to family and friends, including your mailman. Everyone loves receiving a letter (or drawing) in the mail. An emotionally rewarding activity for kids and adults. Check out this video that shows the power, featured on John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” youtube program.

Hop in the car with the family and go exploring! New Jersey has some amazing State Parks, beautiful beach areas and waterways, and overall epic scenery. You can visit a Lighthouse in Barnegat, take a lazy drive along the stretch of beaches from Ocean Grove to Spring Lake, stretch out on the dock at Twilight Lake in Bayhead, or take a long scenic drive to Corson’s Inlet State Park. The options are endless! Map out a route, and make stops along the way and explore at a social distancing pace. Here is a link to some beautiful backroads of New Jersey;

As a family unit, learn Yoga. Yoga is so beneficial to every age group. Once again, there are many learning tools for this. This is a refreshing way to enjoy healthy interaction as a family. Make it a daily habit! Here is a starter video: Also, our own Ms. Mandy if offering FREE livestream yoga classes online, check her out! Link to free sessions:


Fishing is a fantastic activity that gets your kids outside and interacting with the environment. Here are some top tips for a successful outing with your kids!


Nature Activity Resources


These are individual lesson and topic ideas sourced from a broad range of experts and organizations. You’ll see that we’ve concentrated on inspiration, leaving the planning of how the activity will be delivered up to the person that knows their class and environment the best - you.


Take a tour of the Museum of Natural History


Here are 25 activities for reading and writing fun


Disney World virtual tour


Have a Picnic! If your family misses picnics in the park, you can bring this summertime activity into your backyard instead! Start by preparing a traditional picnic lunch like sandwiches, fruit, and potato chips. Load everything into a basket and bring it to your picnic destination, whether it’s a blanket on the lawn or a patio table. Your family will get fresh air and a dose of vitamin D!


Great Adventure’s Wild Safari Drive is open! Pack the kids in the car and head to Freehold for this exhilarating, interactive drive-thru animal adventure. Check the online calendar for reservations and get your tickets at


If you’re looking for fun things to do in the summer at home—or simply want to focus on the simple pleasures of the season—try some of these stellar summer activities and staycation ideas that are just as wonderful as your traditional summer vacation plans.


The Drive-in Movie is BACK! Check your local listings at  and see where they’re showing. Neptune Township has plans for their own drive-in movie experience, so please stay tuned! 


It’s that time of year - Strawberry picking at a local farm! Call ahead. There are some great farms in New Jersey. DeWolfs (New Egypt), Hallocks (New Egypt), Battleview Orchards (Freehold), Wemrock Orchards (Freehold). Visit


  Please Note: Summer Hours begin the week of May 6th. Municipal (M-Th. 8am to 4pm & F- 8am to 1pm) Public Works: (M-Th 6:30am to 3pm & F- 7am to 12pm)